
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

This will buff out...

I dont even know what make it is!

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Auto Italia 2015 - Maseratis

One of the most famous of Italian car makers is Maserati, and they were well represented at Auto Italia 2015 - by a small but impressive collection of their finest models. 

An enthusiast demonstrated the Maserati's credentials in a non-official capacity in Victoria a few days later: 'Maserati impunded at Violet Town'
I cant help but notice that the newer Maserati's are looking more and more like Ferraris...

 If you like this blog then bookmark the site, and also visit the Facebook page 'On Four Wheels' for more frequent updates.

Auto Italia 2015 - Fiats and Bertone X19

On a beautiful Autumn Canberra day the Italian car owners of Canberra converged on the lawns of Old Parliament House and displayed their cars for all to see! 
Todays post looks at FIAT's -  future posts will look at De Tomasos, Alfa Romeos, Lancias, Maseratis and of course - Ferraris! 
FIAT Special
 Supercar alley 
majestic pre-war open FIAT

not so majestic post-war FIAT
 il Segway
 FIAT Spyder
Italian scooter, moped and motorcycle enthusiasts
 FIAT X-19 by Bertone is a beautiful example of Italian car building 
 Highly modified Abarth X19

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