
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Talking to the Tuggeranong Community Council about Light Rail

On March 1st I was the guest speaker at the Tuggeranong Community Councils monthly meeting. The topic I spoke on was 'Is Canberras Light Rail Still On Track?'. I ran through the benefits of light rail for the ACT and the Capital region, then talked about the current state of light rail in ACT policy and how it can be progressed. 
Title slide from my talk to the Tuggeranong Community Council

After my talk, I fielded questions from the crowd, including local Legislative Assembly member Steve Dozspot from the ACT Liberal Party. Amanda Bresnan from the Greens was also at the meeting. The crowd was quite diverse and asked well informed questions. 

Darryl Johnson, President of the Tuggeranong Community Council had emailed me a few light rail route proposals and I was happy to include them in my presentation, I dont have a personal preference for light rail routes, but it certainly helps people understand how light rail would operate when you can show people a map. 
Darryl Johnson, TCC President, Light Rail route proposal

The TCC will be placing my slides online, and I will link to them when that occurs.

If you would like  me to speak to your organisation about light rail, please email me at dchaas67 at gmail dot com

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