
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This aint gonna end well...

I pulled over to take a call on my mobile phone yesterday and as I was talking I noticed a family of ducks pecking away at the side of the road. Occasionally the mother duck would dart out to the white line  - oh no - this was not going to end well I thought...
 Checking the road
 Looking left and right
 Off we go...
 A near miss, but traffic is fortunately very light
 Another near miss, but we are almost there...
Success! No lives lost. The ducks then pecked away in the median strip. This is probably not the best place for a duck family yo live. Either ducks will lose their lives at some point, or cars will brake suddenly to avoid a duck and perhaps cause a rear-end collision. I use this road at least once a week, so i will look for duck carcasses around this area for the next few weeks. 

1 comment:

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