
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wheels Expo 2011 - Part 5 - Holdens, Geminis, Monaros, Ferraris and Fire Engines

Although it took 8 months before I posted part 4.... here is part 5! This post looks at the Holdens that were at the 2011 Wheels Expo, back in April. I was really pleased to see a small herd of Geminis - a car I have always been fond of. 

Very rare 'Hatch Hutch' Torana option

Neat convertible conversion on this FJ Holden. Also turned into a 2 door.

Its been years since I saw this number of Geminis in one place at one time

The fire engine display was really interesting. The basic design requirements of the job haven't changed, but the trucks keep getting bigger and bigger. 

This ladder looked enormous

See also:

Wheels Expo 2011 Part 12, 3, 4, 5